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Leadership participates in SGB election launch

RCL members, Thabang Phatse, Reatile Brodie and Mary-Ann Pretorius, attended the SGB election launch at Victory Primary school where the MEC of education, Hon. Viola Motsumi, was the keynote speaker. The MEC emphasized the need to build a strong relationship between the SGB, parents, teachers and RCL members.


The MEC highlighted the need to have members in the SGB who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the school environment is safe and inclusive. Among the messages of support presented by; SADTU, SADU, PEU, SENASE, NASGB and  NEHAWU, was Mary-Ann Pretorius. "This [collaboration] is a clear indication of a brighter future.

A future with a stronger governing body of our education system. A future that embraces the RCL and includes our contributions in decision making."

 Mary-Ann emphasized the need to collaborate as RCL and SGB, in an accountable, transparent and condusive manner in order to tackle the ills that learners today, currently face. "This launch is a clear indication that the department is taking us, as RCLs, seriously by acknowledging our voice to address the social ills in schools".


We are not only proud of how the RCLs represented our school, but also proud of the lasting impression they had left on all the stakeholders present.

Try these study tips to make learning easier.

Have all your materials ready before you begin studying – pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, etc.

Be positive. Make sure your brain holds onto the information you are learning by reminding yourself how important it is to remember the work and get the marks.

Hard work and dedication.jpg

Gr 12

At the pinnacle of their journey as Maffies, the class of 2023 and parents share a very special event with their educators.

This annual premier event marks the end of the Matrics' school career, where their parents get to sit with them at their final exam centre desk. As always, this was a joyous and a very emotional celebration.

Interhouse Debate

The motion "Parents should be held accountable for their children's actions" was the subject of a contentious argument between grade 8 and grade 9 students in the school hall.

​We continue to inspire our students to develop their public speaking abilities because we are proud of them.



As a learner at Mafikeng High School you are expected to: accept that the main reason for being in school is to learn and develop academically, socially and culturally; adhere to school rules; respect the legitimacy and authority of
teachers; participate in Learner Representative Councils (LRCs) to safeguard your interests; show respect to other learners and not to discriminate; and avoid anti-social
behaviour like theft, vandalism, assault, sexual harassment, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as other activities that disrupt the learning process.


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